Jesper Melin

Master of Science in Computer Engineering

Gratudated from Mälardalen University, Sweden with Master degree in Computer Engineering in 2011. My main interest within the field of Computer Science is the border between software and hardware. When software can utalize the benefits which the hardware has to offer and vice versa.

Also, I'm a musician.

Applying AUTOSAR in Practice - Available Development Tools and Migration Paths
- My master thesis in computer science about AUTOSAR. It covers features the AUTOSAR standard has to offer, evaluation of the use of development tools from different vendors, how migration is supported and how the standard affects the required hardware.
Today’s Operating Systems and their Future with Reconfigurable Architecture
- This paper is meant as an introduction to operating systems, their main functions and what types exist, as well as possible benefits gained by placing typical software functionality in hardware.
The Lactea Project
- Large project in software engineering course. This website contains information about the development of a .Net-based application, used to calculate a test persons lactate threshold during physical tests | 073-06 20 814 | Västerås